The inquiry launched in the aftermath of the Manchester Arena bombing in 2017 highlighted a number of ways to improve the standards of spectator safety at events.
One was a need to have better trained security staff as well as systems put in place to support them when looking after spectators.
Our client, Competence, quickly responded to this need by developing an online course leading to a Level 2 qualification in Spectator Safety.
Gaining the qualification would allow candidates to work effectively at a variety of entertainment events.
For venue owners/managers and the employers of these security staff, the qualification offers greater assurance that the people working for them are suitable for the job and capable of keeping their customers safe.
Competence asked us to produce video clips to make the learning content clear and accessible.
Historically, for many people who make up the Security workforce, English is not necessarily their first language.
We needed to make sure the content was as accessible and understandable as possible for these learners.
At shortstories, we began working on the project at the script editing stage.
Subject specialists had written the learning material bringing their vast experience in the field to bear.
We were asked to work through this content and to make sure the use of language was helpful to different proficiency levels of learners.
Watch a sample of the instructional content below.
See how we do it: send us an email to hello@shortstories.media if you would like to discuss your next film project.